MS-64 International Marketing Solved Assignment 2020


MS-64 International Marketing Solved Assignment 2020

Course Code : MS – 64
Course Title : International Marketing
Assignment Code : MS-64/TMA/SEM – I/2020
Coverage : All Blocks


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MS-64 International Marketing Solved Assignment 2020

Course Code : MS – 64
Course Title : International Marketing
Assignment Code : MS-64 /TMA/SEM – I/2020
Coverage : All Blocks

Title NameMS-64 Solved Assignment 2020
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
CourseManagement Programme
Language ENGLISH
Semester2020 Course: Management Programme
Short Name MS-64
Assignment CodeMS-64/TMA/SEM-I/2020
ProductAssignment of Management Programme 2020 (IGNOU)
Submission Date before 30th April, 2020

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your study centre
on or before 30th April, 2020.
1. What do you understand by the term ‘International Marketing’? Explain the reasons for which
firms enter international markets.
2. Distinguish between the following giving suitable examples.
(a) ‘Ethnocentric’ and ‘Polycentric’ orientations
(b) ‘Free Trade Area’ and ‘Customs Union’
(c) ‘Pre-investment Planning’ and ‘Post-investment Planning’ for management of political risk.
3. Discuss the significance of letter of credit in international marketing. Explain the operation of a
letter of credit.
4. What is the effect of ‘terms of delivery’ on the price to be quoted by an exporter? Explain giving
an example.
5. How does culture influence international marketing decisions? Explain with the help of suitable
6. Briefly explain the components of international advertising strategy. What are the relative
advantages of standardization and adaptation of an international advertising programme?

MS-64, MS 64, MS64


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