
MMPM-004 International Marketing Solved Question Paper December 2023

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MMPM-004 International Marketing
Solved Question Paper December 2023
International Marketing
Course Code: MMPM-004

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MMPM-004 International Marketing Solved Question Paper December 2023

International Marketing
Course Code: MMPM-004

Title NameMMPM-004 Solved Question Paper December 2023
Service TypeSolved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Language English
YearDecember 2023
Course CodeMMPM-004
ProductSolved Question Paper  (IGNOU)

1. (a) Differentiate between domestic and
international marketing with examples.
(b) Discuss the reasons why countries join
regional economic groupings.
2. (a) Explain the basic modes of entry available
to a marketer for entering international
[ 2 ] MMPM-004
(b) Explain the different forms of „regional
economic groupings‟ giving suitable
3. (a) What do you understand by the term
„political risk‟ ? In your opinion, is it
country-specific, firm-specific or both ?
(b) Why do you think a company should or
should not market the same product in the
same way around the world ? Explain with
the help of examples.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Issues in International Pricing
(b) Role of World Bank
(c) International Physical Distribution
(d) International Marketing Planning
(e) Scope of International Marketing Research
5. (a) “The advancement of technology has aided
international business. Millions of people
worldwide use the Internet to do
everything from research to purchasing
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products online. The Internet is profoundly
affecting almost all businesses. The
various uses of the Internet by business
entities include the ability to advertise,
generate, or otherwise perform regular
business functions. Therefore, many firms
are embracing the Internet for many of
their activities. One impact of e-commerce
is to intensify competition and produce
benefits for consumers through lower
prices and more choices.” Do you agree
with this statement ? Justify your answer
by giving suitable examples.
(b) Choose any product or service of your
choice where use of the internet is playing
a special role and explain what aspects of
technology are being used in your chosen
product or service business.
