MEV-016 Environmental Impact Assessment Solved Assignment 2023-2024


MEV-016 Environmental Impact Assessment Solved Assignment 2023-2024

Course Code : MEV-016
Course Title : Environmental Impact Assessment
Assignment Code : MEV-016/TMA-01/ January 2023 to July 2024 session
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: This assignment is based on the entire course.
Answer any five questions. All question carries equal marks.
Please write all answers in your own words.
Maximum Marks 100


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MEV-016 Environmental Impact Assessment Solved Assignment 2023-2024

Course Code : MEV-016
Course Title : Environmental Impact Assessment
Assignment Code : MEV-016/TMA-01/ January 2023 to July 2024 session
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: This assignment is based on the entire course.
Answer any five questions. All question carries equal marks.
Please write all answers in your own words.
Maximum Marks 100

Title NameMEV-016 Solved Assignment 2023-2024
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
CourseMaster of Science (Environmental Science)
Language ENGLISH
Semester2023-2024 Course: MSCENV
SessionJanuary 2023 to July 2024 Sessions
Short Name MEV-016
Assignment CodeMEV-016/TMA-01/January 2023 to July 2024 session
ProductAssignment of MSCENV 2023-2024 (IGNOU)
PriceRS. 60

1. Explain the guiding principles of EIA in detail.
2. Describe the Screening and Scoping Stages of EIA.
3. Highlight the role of capacity building and public participation in EIA.
4. Write a detailed note on the recent advanced in EIA governance.
5. What factors affect the site planning and development of an industrial estate?
6. Throw light on the purpose and method of information collection in EIA.
7. Discuss the process of “Decision Making” in EIA.
8. What is Risk Assessment? Explain the stages of Risk Assessment.

\MEV-016, MEV016, MEV 016, MEV16, MEV 16, MEV-16
