
BPAS-184 LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT in English Solved Assignment 2024-2025

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Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Tutor Marked Assignments
Course Code: BPAS-184
Assignment Code: ASST/TMA/July-2024 & January-2025
Total Marks:100

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BPAS-184 LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT Solved Assignment 2024-2025

Tutor Marked Assignments
Course Code: BPAS-184
Assignment Code: ASST/TMA/July-2024 & January-2025
Total Marks:100

Title NameBPAS-184 Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Language ENGLISH
Semester2024-2025 Course: BAG(Ability Enhancement Course)
SessionJuly 2024 and January 2025 sessions
Short Name BPAS-184
Assignment CodeASST/TMA/July-2024 & January-2025
ProductAssignment of BAG BAPAH 2024-2025 (IGNOU)
Submission DateFor June Examination: 30th April
For December Examination: 31st October

Assignment A
Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.
1. Discuss the scope and importance of Logistics Management. 20
2. Examine the activities of Logistics Management Cycle. 20
Assignment B
Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.
3. Discuss the operating objectives of Logistics. 10
4. Describe the activities and processes of Supply Chain Management. 10
5. Write a note on Material Handling System and Equipment. 10
Assignment C
Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.
6. Bring out the difference between Public and Private Warehouses. 6
7. What do you understand by Information Processing? 6
8. Describe the strategies of Green Logistics. 6
9. List the challenges to effective Logistics Management. 6
10. What are the requirements and components of Logistics Information System?

BPAS-184, BPAS 184, BPAS184
