
BESE-141 ICT in Education in English Solved Question Paper December 2023

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BESE-141 ICT in Education
in English Solved Question Paper December 2023
ICT in Education
Course Code: BESE-141

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BESE-141 ICT in Education in English Solved Question Paper December 2023

ICT in Education
Course Code: BESE-141

Title NameBESE-141 Solved Question Paper December 2023
Service TypeSolved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
CourseCBCS / BAG
YearDecember 2023
Course CodeBESE-141
ProductSolved Question Paper BESE-141 (IGNOU)

Note : (i) Attempt all the three Sections.
(ii) Sections A, B and C carry 40 marks,
48 marks and 12 marks respectively.
Questions under particular Section carry
equal marks.
(iii) Attempt any two questions from Section
A, any four from Section B and any two
from Section C.
[ 2 ] BESE-141
Note : Answer any two of the following questions in
about 500 words each. 2×20=40
1. Define communication. Discuss different types
of communication with suitable examples.
2. What are the advantages of ICT integration in
teaching-learning process ? Discuss.
3. Elaborate the components of a Self Learning
Material (SLM).
4. How can ICTs be used for management of
conference ? Discuss ICT tools which can be
used for management of conferences.
Note : Answer any four of the following questions
in about 250 words each. 4×12=48
5. List out the recommendation of National
Education Policy, 2020 regarding use of ICTs in
[ 3 ] BESE-141
P. T. O.
6. How can ICTs be used for vocational education
and skill development ? Discuss.
7. Define OERs. Explain the different types of
8. Discuss the changing role of teachers in
inclusive and special classrooms.
9. What do you mean by assistive technologies ?
Discuss their types.
10. Explain the methods of instructional delivery in
11. Describe the features of ICTs that can be used
for assessment of collaborative learning.
Note : Answer any two of the following questions in
about 125 words each. 2×6=12
12. Discuss the need for integration of ICTs in
special and inclusive classrooms.
[ 4 ] BESE-141
13. Differentiate between system and application
14. Briefly explain Community of Inquiry (CoI)
model of instructional design.
15. Explain the concept of interactive text.
