
TS-5 (DTS) ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM in English Solved Assignment 2023

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TS-5 ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM in English Solved Assignment 2023

Course Code: TS-5 Programme: BTS & DTS
Total Marks: 100 Assignment Code: TS-5/TMA/2023

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TS-5 ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM in English Solved Assignment 2023

Course Code: TS-5 Programme: BTS & DTS
Total Marks: 100 Assignment Code: TS-5/TMA/2023

Title NameTS-5 Solved Assignment 2023
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Language ENGLISH
Semester2023 Course: TOURISM STUDIES
Short Name TS-5
Assignment CodeTS-5/TMA/2023
ProductAssignment of  2023 (IGNOU)
Submission DateLast Date for January Session: October 15

Last Date for July Session: April 15


1. What do you understand by Abiotic Environment? List and explain each abiotic factor. 20
2. Explain “Flow of Energy” in the ecosystem and highlight the implications of energy transfer
through tropic level. 20
3. Discuss the cause and impact of pollution on our environment. Substantiate your answer with
suitable examples. 20
4. What do you understand by Adventure sports? Discuss the impact of adventure sports on
environment and the initiatives to minimize the adverse effects. 20
5. Differentiate between the following: 4 X 5=20
i) Slow Changes and fast Changes
ii) Freshwater Biome and Marine Biome
iii) Commensalism and Parasitism
iv) Tropical Deciduous Forests and Tropical Rain Forests
v) The Trans – Himalayas and The Himalayas Zone
6. Discuss the various environmental issues to be considered while developing coastal areas for
tourism purposes. 20
7. What do you understand by the term ‘Biotic Community’? Explain the interactions among the
members of a biotic community with the help of examples. 20
8. Define Responsible Tourism. Explain the role of government, industry and local community
in Responsible Tourism development. 20
9. Discuss direct and indirect economic benefits of tourism with the help of suitable examples.
10. Write short notes on any two of the following: 2X10=20
i) Biomes
ii) Resource Partitioning
iii) Importance of Biodiversity for Tourism

TS-5, TS-05, TS05, TS5, TS 5, TS 05
