LSE-12 पादप विविधता-1 in Hindi Solved Assignment 2019


Course Code: LSE-12
Assignment Code: LSE-12/TMA/2019
Max. Marks: 100

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Course Code: LSE-12
Assignment Code: LSE-12/TMA/2019
Max. Marks: 100

Title NameLSE-12 LIFE SCIENCES Solved Assignment 2018-19
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Language HINDI
Semester2018-2019 Course: BSC (LIFE SCIENCES) LSE
Short Name LSE-12 (HINDI)
Assignment CodeLSE-12/TMA/2019
ProductAssignment of BSC (LIFE SCIENCES) 2018-2019 (IGNOU)
Submission DateValid from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019
PriceRS. 60

1. Prepare a table showing groups of organisms of the Five Kingdoms Classification. 10
2. With the help of suitable examples and well labelled diagrams describe the basic
types of thallus in algae. 10
3. List the divisions of eukaryotic algae. Write the salient characteristics and give two
examples of each. 10
4. Describe methods of vegetative reproduction in fungi with the help of labelled
diagrams. 10
5. Write an account on the role of fungi in fermentation. Give suitable examples to
support your answer. 10
6. Illustrate vegetative and sexual reproduction in Marchantia. 10
7. Make neat and labelled diagrams of the following:
a) types of fossils, and
b) life cycle of Selaginella. 20
8. Outline the general characteristics of pteridophytes. How do they resemble
bryophytes and in which characteristics both differ from each other? In what
aspects pteridophytes resemble seed plants? 20
LSE-012, LSE-12, LSE 012, LSE 12, LSE012, LSE
