BRL-101 Overview of Retailing in English Solved Assignment 2024-2025


BRL-101 Overview of Retailing
Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Course Code : BRL–101
Course Title : Overview of Retailing
Assignment Code : BRL–101/TMA/2024-25
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100


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BRL-101 Overview of Retailing Solved Assignment 2024-2025

Course Code : BRL–101
Course Title : Overview of Retailing
Assignment Code : BRL–101/TMA/2024-25
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100

Title NameBRL-101 Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
CourseBachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Retailing
Language ENGLISH
Semester2024-2025 Course: BBA
SessionValid from 1st July, 2024 to 30th June, 2025
Short Name BRL-101
Assignment CodeBRL–101/TMA/2024-25
ProductAssignment of BBA 2024-2025 (IGNOU)
Submission Date1. Those students who are appearing in December exams. They should download the
assignment and submit the same latest by 15th October.
2. Those students who are appearing in June Term End Examination they have to submit
the assignment latest by in 15th March.

(A) Short Type Questions
1. What is retailing? Briefly explain the factors influencing the
growth of retail in context of organised Indian retail market.
2. What do you understand by psychological factors. Differentiate
between psychological factors and personal factors?
3. How do you distinguish modern retail formats from traditional
formats? Explain with examples.
4. a) Explain the key concepts in retail atmospherics.
b) Briefly explain retail performance measures?
5. What do you mean by merchandise management? Explain the
constraining factors that should be considered by the retailer as
the consumer needs change with examples.
6. What do you understand by implication of GST? Discuss the
benefits of GST on retail sector with suitable examples?
7. Discuss the technological trends in retailing. State the
precautions to be taken while handling technology in Retailing.
(B) Essay Type Questions
8. a) Briefly explain the types of franchising. What are the ways
by which franchisor ensures uniformity across franchisee
b) What is E- Tailing? How do SEO and SEM help E- tailers to
do more than just providing pleasing websites.
9. a) Explain the meaning of service retailing. Discuss about the
popular forms of retail employment?
b) Explain how the employment opportunities are booming up
in organized retail?

BRL101, BRL 101, BRL-101
