
BEGS-183 Writing and Study Skills Solved Question Paper December 2023

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BEGS-183 Writing and Study Skills
Solved Question Paper December 2023
Writing and Study Skills
Course Code: BEGS-183

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BEGS-183 Writing and Study Skills Solved Question Paper December 2023

Writing and Study Skills
Course Code: BEGS-183

Title NameBEGS-183 Solved Question Paper December 2023
Service TypeSolved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Language English
YearDecember 2023
Course CodeBEGS-183
ProductSolved Question Paper  (IGNOU)

1. Write short notes on any three of the following
in around 100 words each : 3×5=15
(a) What are homographs ? Give examples to
show how their usage can create problems
for second language learners of English.
(b) Explain with suitable examples, the
techniques you would adopt to achieve
coherence while writing a paragraph.
(c) What do you understand by the term
„Persuasive Writing‟ ? What are the
strategies commonly used in „persuasive
writing‟ ?
[ 2 ] BEGS-183
(d) Explain with suitable examples, how a
flowchart can be used in the organisation
of notes.
2. Write a brief essay on any one of the following
(in around 200 words) : 10
(a) “Analysing is more a reading strategy,
while synthesizing is a writing strategy.”
Discuss giving examples.
(b) Write a short essay on the Cornell note
taking method.
3. Write a well-structured composition (with a
clear beginning, body and conclusion) on the
following topic : 7
“Cleaning India‟s rivers : the major challenges.”
4. Write a formal letter to the head of a publishing
house, applying for the post of sub-editor in the
publishing house. 5
5. The institution in which you work, has taken
several steps for efficient waste management in
your campus. Write a brief report on these
initiatives. 6
[ 3 ] BEGS-183
P. T. O.
6. Read the passage given below and answer the
questions :
Sea level rise is an increase in the level of
world‟s oceans due to the effects of global
warming. Burning fossil fuels is one of the
causes of global warming because it releases
carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases
into the atmosphere. The oceans absorb the
majority of this heat and expand, resulting in
rising ocean levels.
Glaciers and ice sheets on land are also greatly
affected by global warming. These reserves of
ice are located in places like Greenland and
Antarctica. Typically, they melt during the
warmer months of the year and the ice is
replenished in colder months. With the average
global temperatures rising, however, ice caps
and glaciers are experiencing a
disproportionate amount of melting at an
accelerated rate.
Sea level rise poses a serious threat to coastal
life around the world. Consequences include
increased intensity of storm surges, flooding,
and damage to coastal areas. In many cases,
this is where large population centers are
located, in addition to fragile wildlife habitats.
Therefore, people may become displaced and
will need to seek safer homes.
[ 4 ] BEGS-183
Questions :
(a) What is a „topic sentence‟ ? In your opinion,
what is the topic sentence in the above
passage ? 1+1
(b) Give a suitable title to the above passage. 1
(c) Write a summary of the above passage in
your own words (around 75 words).
