
MPA-012 ADMINISTRATIVE THEORY in English Solved Assignment 2024-2025

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Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Course Code: MPA-012
Assignment Code: MPA-12/Asst/TMA/July-2024 & January-2025

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MPA-012 ADMINISTRATIVE THEORY Solved Assignment 2024-2025

Course Code: MPA-012
Assignment Code: MPA-12/Asst/TMA/July-2024 & January-2025

Title NameMPA-012 Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
CourseM.A. (Public Administration) MPA
Language ENGLISH
Semester2024-2025 Course: M.A. (Public Administration) MPA
SessionFor July 2024 and January 2025
Short Name MPA-012
Assignment CodeMPA-12/Asst/TMA/July-2024 & January-2025
ProductAssignment of M.A. (Public Administration) MPA 2024-2025 (IGNOU)
Submission DateFor July Session: March 31

For January Session: October 31

1. Explain the differences and similarities between Public Administration and Private
Administration. 20
2. Write a note on Methodological Individualism, Rationality and Economic Analysis of
Politics. 20
3. Bring out the basic principles of Scientific Management approach. 20
4. Define Organisation and discuss its major characteristics. 20
5. Examine the views of Chris Argyris on Human Personality and bring out its impact
on the working of organisations. 20
6. Explain the determinants of Organizational Goals. 20
7. Write a note on the Expectancy Theory of Victor Vroom. 20
8. Discuss the different stages of Decision Making, as identified by Herbert Simon. 20
9. Critically examine the first and second Minnowbrook Conferences. 20
10. Elucidate the role of Critical Theory in Public Administration.

MPA-012, MPA012, MPA 012, MPA-12, MPA12, MPA 12
