MHI-10 URBANISATION IN INDIA Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Course Code: MHI-10
Assignment Code: MHI-10/AST/ TMA/2024-25
Total Marks: 100
Title Name | MHI-10 Solved Assignment 2024-2025 |
University | IGNOU |
Service Type | Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF) |
Course | MA (HISTORY) MHI |
Language | ENGLISH |
Semester | 2024-2025 Course: MA (HISTORY) MHI |
Session | For July 2024 and January 2025 |
Short Name | MHI-10 |
Assignment Code | MHI-10/AST/ TMA/2024-25 |
Product | Assignment of MA (HISTORY) 2024-2025 (IGNOU) |
Submission Date | For July Session: 31st March For January Session: 30th September |
1. What are the markers of urban centres? Examine with reference to the historiography
of urbanism. 20
2. Discuss the main features of the city of Mohenjodaro. 20
3. Critically examine the characteristics of early historic urban centres in the Deccan. 20
4. Do you agree with the ‘theory of deurbanisation’ during post Gupta period in India?
Discuss. 20
5. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each.
i) City States
ii) Mohenjodaro: Public Architecture
iii) Mandu
iv) Social change and urban growth during early medieval India
6. Cities of Delhi Sultanate were primarily garrison towns. Critically examine. 20
7. How did the city layout and courtly culture of Vijayanagara reflect the dominance of
Imperial control? 20
8. Discuss the rise and decline of Surat. 20
9. How did the concept of urban planning change during the Colonial period? 20
10. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each.
i) Gardens in Mughal Cities
ii) The City as the Site of Spectacle
iii) Health and Sanitation in the divided city
iv) New Risks and Contemporary Urbanism
MHI-10, MHI 10, MHI10
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