Course Code : MCS-053
Course Title : Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Assignment Number : MCA(V)-053/Assignment/2018-19
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 25%
Last Date of Submission : 15th October, 2018 (For July Session)
15th April, 2019 (For January Session)
Note: This assignment has 16 questions of 80 marks (each question carries
equal marks). Answer all the questions. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You
may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations. Please go
through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide
for the format of presentation.
Question1: Write Midpoint Circle Generation Algorithm. Computer coordinate
points of circle drawn with centre at (0,0) and radius 5, using
midpoint circle algorithm.
Question2: Discuss Shear Transformation with suitable example, write Shear
transformation matrix for Shear along X- axis, Y-axis and
Generalized Shear. Show that the simultaneous shearing shxy (a, b),
is not same as the shearing in x-direction, shx(a) followed by a
shearing in y-direction, shy(b).
Question3: Explain the scan line polygon filling algorithm with the help of
suitable diagram.
Question4: What is the role of light in computer graphics? Discuss the Lamberts
Cosine Law? Explain ambient .diffused and specular reflection. Give
general mathematical expression of each. And also the give the
mathematical expression to determine the Intensity when all three
type of reflections are available
Question5: What is frame buffer? How it is different from the display buffer?
How a frame buffer is used for putting colour and controlling
intensity of any display device?
Question6: Discuss the Taxonomy of projection with suitable diagram. How
Perspective projection differs from Parallel projection. Derive a
transformation matrix for a perspective projection of a point P (?, ?, ?)
onto a ?=4 plane as viewed from E (6, 0, 0)
Question7: Write Bresenham line drawing algorithm and DDA algorithm?
Compare both algorithms and identify which one is better and why?
Draw a line segment joining (4, 8) and (8, 10) using both algorithms
i.e. Bresenham line drawing algorithm and DDA algorithm.
Question 8: What is Bezier Curve? Discuss the Role of Bernstein Polynomial in
Bezier Curve. How Bezier curves contribute to Bezier Surfaces?
Prove the following properties of Bezier curve.
(i) P(u=1) = Pn (ii) P’(0) = n (P1-P0)
Given four control points PO (2, 2) P1 (3, 4) P2 (5, 4) and P3 (4,
2) as vertices of Bezier curve. Determine four points of Bezier Curve.
Question9: What is the advantage of using homogenous co-ordinate system over
Euclidean coordinate sstem? Consider the square ABCD with
vertices A(0, 0),B (0, 2),C (2, 0), D (2, 2). Perform a composite
transformation of the square by performing the following steps.
(Give the coordinates of the square at each steps).
(i) Scale by using ?? = 2 and ?? = 3
(ii) Rotate of 450
in the anticlockwise direction
(iii) Translate by using ?? = 3 and ?? = 5
Question10: Derive the 2D-transformtion matrix for reflection about the line
? = ??, where ? is a constant. Use this transformation
matrix to reflect the triangle A (0,0) ,B(1, 1), C(2 ,0) about the line
? = 2?.
Question11: Why Shading is required in Computer Graphics? Briefly Discuss the
role of interpolation technique in Shading. Compare intensity
interpolation and Normal Interpolation? Which Interpolation
technique contributes to which type of shading? Which shading
technique is better Phong shading or Gourand shading, why?
Question12: Write Z-Buffer Algorithm for hidden surface detection. Explain
how this algorithm is applied to determine the hidden surfaces.
Question13: What is animation? How it is different from Graphics? Explain
how acceleration is simulated in animation? Discuss all the cases
i.e. zero acceleration, Positive acceleration, Negative acceleration
and combination of positive and negative acceleration.
Question14: What is windowing transformation? Discuss the real life example
where you can apply the windowing transformation? Explain the
concept of window to view port transformation with the help of
suitable diagram and calculations.
Question15: Write and explain the pseudocode for Sutherland Hodgman
polygon clipping algorithm. Using this algorithm clip the
following polygon against the rectangular window ABCD as given
Question16: Explain any five of the following terms with the help of suitable
diagram/example, if needed.
(a) Ray Tracing (b)Ray Casting.
(c) Object-space approach in Visible-surface detection.
(d) Audio file formats (e) Video file formats (f) Image filtering
(g) Authoring tools (h) Animation and its types
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