
BLI-222 INFORMATION SOURCES AND SERVICES in English Solved Assignment 2024-2025

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Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Coverage: Course Code: BLI-222
Course: Information Sources and Services
Assignment Code: AST/TMA/ Jul.2024/Jan.2025
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70

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BLI-222 INFORMATION SOURCES AND SERVICES Solved Assignment 2024-2025

Coverage: Course Code: BLI-222
Course: Information Sources and Services
Assignment Code: AST/TMA/ Jul.2024/Jan.2025
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70

Title NameBLI-222 Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Language ENGLISH
Semester2024-2025 Course: BLIS
SessionJuly 2024 and January 2025 Sessions
Short Name BLI-222
Assignment CodeAST/TMA/ Jul.2024/Jan.2025
ProductAssignment of BLIS 2024-2025 (IGNOU)
Submission DateFor June Examination: 31st March
For December Examination: 30th September

Note: Answer all questions.
I) Answer all the questions in not more than 500 words each. (4X10= 40 Marks)
1) What do you understand by primary periodicals? Discuss its different types with
suitable examples.
2) Describe in detail the process of computer-based searching. (10)
3) Explain, how peripheral information professionals can perform the functions of
information disseminators.
4) Discuss in detail how will you conduct a user study? (10)
II) Answer the following questions in not more250 words each.(6X5= 30 marks)
1) Discuss the role of international agencies as sources of information. (5)
2) Describe the different types of information needs. (5)
3) Differentiate between responsive and anticipatory services. (5)
4) Discuss the emerging trends in database services. (5)
5) Explain the criteria for evaluating a dictionary. (5)
6) Discuss the process of implementing marketing mix in library services.

BLI-222, BLI 222, BLI222
