
BHIE-143 HISTORY OF ENVIRONMENT in English Solved Assignment 2024-2025

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Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Course code: BHIE-143
Assignment Code: BHIE-143/ASST/TMA/2024-25
Marks: 100

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BHIE-143 HISTORY OF ENVIRONMENT Solved Assignment 2024-2025

Course code: BHIE-143
Assignment Code: BHIE-143/ASST/TMA/2024-25
Marks: 100

Title NameBHIE-143 Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Language ENGLISH
Semester2024-2025 Course: BAG HISTORY
SessionJULY 2024-JANUARY 2025
Short Name BHIE-143
Assignment CodeBHIE-143/ASST/TMA/2024-25
ProductAssignment of BAG & BAHIH 2024-2025 (IGNOU)
Submission DateFor June Examination: 31st March
For December Examination: 30th September

Note: There are three Sections in the Assignment. You have to answer all questions in
the Sections. Marks are indicated in front of each question.
Section-1 Answer in about 500 words each.
1. What do you understand by the term ‘Ecofeminism’? Elucidate with particular
reference to Ecofeminism in the Indian context. 20
2. Comment on the role N.G.O.s and Environmental movements have played in India for
protecting our environment. 20
Section-2 Answer in about 250 words each.
3. How do you see man-environment relationship, interaction and interface during
medieval India? 10
4. Define ‘Green Imperialism’. Assess the role of European colonialism towards Green
Imperialism. 10

5. How are environmental elements and components like forests, lakes etc. envisioned in
Indian philosophy? 10
Section-3 Write short notes on each of the following in about 100 words each.
6. Environmental history 6
7. Role of water resources in river-valley civilizations during ancient India 6
8. Animal hunting under East Indian Company 6
9. Role of NGOs in environmental conservation and restoration in contemporary India 6
10. Tinai concept during Sangam age

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