
BEGLA-135 English in Daily Life Solved Question Paper June 2024

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BEGLA-135 English in Daily Life
Solved Question Paper June 2024
English in Daily Life
Course Code: BEGLA-135

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BEGLA-135 English in Daily Life Solved Question Paper June 2024

English in Daily Life
Course Code: BEGLA-135

Title NameBEGLA-135 Solved Question Paper June 2024
Service TypeSolved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Language English
YearJune 2024
Course CodeBEGLA-135
ProductSolved Question Paper  (IGNOU)

1. Read the following passages and answer the
following questions carefully :
(a) Philosophy of Education is a label applied
to the study of the purpose, process, nature
and ideals of education. It can be
considered a branch of both philosophy and
education. Education can be defined as the
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teaching and learning of specific skills and
the imparting of knowledge, judgement
and wisdom and is something broader than
the societal institution of education we
often speak of.
(b) Many educationists consider it as a weak
and woolly field, far removed from the
practical applications over the milennia of
the real world. But, philosophers dating
back to Plato and the Ancient Greeks have
given the area much thought and emphasis
and there is little doubt that their work
has helped to shape the practise of
education over the milennia.
(c) Plato is the earliest important educational
thinker and the education is an essential
element in ‘The Republic’ (his most
[ 3 ] BEGLA–135
P. T. O.
important work) on philosophy and
political theory written around 360 B.C. In
it, he advocates some extreme methods :
removing children from their wards of the
state and differentiating children suitable
to the various castes, the highest receiving
the most education should act as guardians
of the city and care for the less-able. He
believed that education should be holistic,
including facts, skills, physical discipline,
music and art. Plato believed that talent
and intelligence is not distributed
genetically, therefore born to all classes;
although his proposed system of selective
public education for an educated minority
of the population does not follow a
democratic model.
[ 4 ] BEGLA–135
(d) Aristotle considered human nature, habit
and reason to be equally important forces
to be cultivated in education, the ultimate
aim of which be to produce good and
virtuous citizens. He proposed that
teachers lead their students systematically
unlike Socrates emphasis on ‘questioning’
his listeners to bring out their own
(e) During the Medieval period, the idea of
Perennialism was first formulated by St.
Thomas Aquinas in his work ‘De Magistro’.
Perennialism holds that one should teach
things significant to all people everywhere;
namely principles not facts.
(I) Answer the following questions :
(i) What do you understand with the
word ‘Education’ from this
passage ? 3
[ 5 ] BEGLA–135
P. T. O.
(ii) What is the difference between
the approaches of Socrates and
Aristotle ? 2
(iii) Why do educationists consider
philosophy a ‘weak and woolly’
field ? 2
(iv) What do you understand by the
term ‘Perennialism’, in the
context of the given passage ? 2
(v) Give a suitable title to the
passage. 1
(II) Pick out the words from the passage
opposite of the following words : 5
(i) Wisdom
(ii) Specific skills
(iii) Democratic
(iv) Holistic education
(v) Virtuous citizen
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(III) Make sentences of the following
words/phrases from the passage. Do
not copy the sentence from the
passage : 5
(i) Judgement
(ii) Weak and Woolly
(iii) Real world
(iv) Millennia
(v) Practice of Education
2. Write in 250 words about how to manage time
effectively. What are the consequences of
prioritizing your goals effectively ? 20
Write in 250 words describing the favourite
memory associated with your parents or
3. Imagine you are a newly appointed ‘Cultural
Coordinator’ of your Students’ Council. You are
[ 7 ] BEGLA–135
P. T. O.
giving a motivational speech standing in front
of the students projecting your dreams,
leadership qualities and expectations from the
students and cultural team members to
perform the best in the ‘Cultural Fest 2023’.
Draft a speech in about 300 words. 20
4. (a) Your exams are approaching and you want
your friend to accompany your for a ‘group
study’ at your place. Write a dialogue
between two friends suggesting time,
venue, subjects and the relevance of
studying together for better understanding
and revision of the subjects. Frame
10 turns each. 10
(b) Pick out the 5 words with silent letters.
For example : CHALK 5
(i) Wedge
[ 8 ] BEGLA–135
(ii) Craft
(iii) Wrong
(iv) Empty
(v) Comb
(vi) Plumber
(vii) Debt
(viii) Began
(c) You have been asked by your college to
write an article on the life of a reporter.
Write five questions you could ask the
reporter. 5
5. (a) Fill in the blanks using the prepositions :
(i) Look …………. the picture on the wall.
(ii) He has cut his finger …………….. a
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P. T. O.
(iii) ‘Geetanjali’ was written ………………
Rabindranath Tagore.
(iv) He will arrive ……………. 8 a.m.
(v) Trains pass …………….. the tunnel.
(vi) There are stains ……………….. the
(vii) Leave the newspaper ……………. the
(viii) Patients were waiting …………….. the
(ix) He had a mark ……………. his foot.
(x) We stood ……………. one foot.
(b) Complete the following by using adverb or
adverb phrase : 5
(i) The audience behaved ………………. .
(ii) The dancer performed ………………. .
(iii) Ram does his work ……………. .
(iv) People were waiting …………………. .
(v) I buried the two cats ………………. .
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(c) Write down the questions for the following
answers. 5
For example : Swati Kumari.
Ques. : What is your name ?
(i) In Canada
(ii) I am a Software Engineer
(iii) No, but I can speak in German
(iv) I watch TV series or play badminton
(v) I have 2 years of work experience
