
BEGAE-182 English Communication Skills Solved Question Paper December 2022

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BEGAE-182 English Communication Skills
Solved Question Paper December 2022 

Course Code: BEGAE-182
Solved Term-End Examination December, 2022

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BEGAE-182 English Communication Skills Solved Question Paper December 2022

Course Code: BEGAE-182


Title NameBEGAE-182 Solved Question Paper December 2022
Service TypeSolved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Language HINDI
Semester1st Year
YearDecember 2022
Course CodeBEGAE-182
ProductSolved Question Paper  (IGNOU)

I. Answer any four of the following questions in about 100 words each : 4*5=20
(i) Describe two functions that visuals help us to perform easily and effectively.
(ii) What is the appropriate language and tone while attending a meeting and why ?
(iii) What is non-verbal communication ?
(iv) What are the various macro-functions of communication ?
(v) Write a short note on the ‘Essentials of a Group Discussion’.
(vi) Explain ‘Interpretive reading’, with examples.
II. Write a formal letter to the Director of a firm, stating your acceptance of the offer of appointment as a Research Associate in the firm. Also mention the time needed for joining. The letter should be addressed to the Director of the firm. 10
III. Prepare a five-minute presentation on ‘How to prepare for a job interview.’ 10
IV. Write a group discussion (among five students) on any one of the following topics : 10
(i) Is social media making us less social ?
(ii) Can money make us happy ?

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