ACS-01 Application Oriented Course in Consumer Studies in English Solved Assignment 2020

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Course Code: ACS-01
Course Title: Application Oriented Course in Consumer Studies
Assignment- 1 (TMA) – Block 1 to 4
Assignment- 2 (TMA) – Block 5 to 8
Assignment Code: Asst-1/TMA-1/2020
Assignment Code: Asst-2/TMA-2/2020


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ACS-01 Application Oriented Course in Consumer Studies Solved Assignment 2020

Course Code: ACS-01
Assignment Code: Asst-1/ TMA-1/2020

Assignment Code: Asst-2/ TMA-2/2020
Total Marks: 100

Title NameACS-01 Solved Assignment 2020
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
CourseBachelor’s Degree Programme (B.D.P.)
Language ENGLISH
Semester2020 Course: BDP
Short Name ACS-01
Assignment CodeAsst-1/ TMA-1/2020

Asst-2/ TMA-2/2020

ProductAssignment of ACS-01 2019-2020 (IGNOU)
Submission DateFor students admitted in January session – 31st March, 2020
For students admitted in July session30th September, 2020


Answer all questions in each category. Write answers in your own words.
DCQ: Answer any two questions in this part in about 500 words each. (2×20=40 Marks)
1. Discuss in detail the ‘Problems faced by Consumers’.
2. Discuss in detail the ‘History and growth of Consumer Movement in India’.
3. Discuss in detail the scope and ambit of ‘Consumerism’.
4. Discuss in detail the ‘Impact of Advertisement on Consumers’.
MCQ: Answer any four questions in this part in about 250 words each. (4×10=40 Marks)
5. Discuss the Important ‘Dimensions of Consumer Environment’.
6. Discuss the ‘Role of Advertisement’.
7. Discuss the ‘Origin of Consumer International’ (CL).
8. Discuss the ‘Responsibilities of Consumer’.
9. Write a note on ‘Corporate Ethics and Social Audit’.
10. Discuss the features of ‘Pure Monopoly, Price and the Consumer’.
SCQ: Answer any four questions in this part in about 50 words each (4×5=20 Marks)
11. Discuss in brief the term ‘Consumer Satisfaction’.
12. Discuss in brief the ‘Consumer Movement in Asia-Japan’.
13. Discuss as to ‘Why Consumer needs Protection’.
14. Write a note on ‘Council for Business Practices.
15. Write a note on ‘Consumer Education as a Strategy for Consumer Protection’.
16. Discuss in brief the ‘Role of NGOs’.


Answer all questions in each category. Write answers in your own words.
DCQ: Answer any two questions in this part in about 500 words each. (2×20=40 Marks)
1. Discuss in detail the ‘Meaning of Consumer’ with the help of decided Case Laws.
2. Discuss in detail the remedies available under the ‘Sale of Goods Act, 1930’.
3. Discuss in detail with examples of ‘NGO’s Efforts in Redressal of Grievances’.
4. Discuss in detail the ‘Organisational Set-up’ of an Institution dealing with Consumer Problems
and Issues.
MCQ: Answer any four questions in this part in about 250 words each. (4×10=40 Marks)
5. Discuss the suggestions for amendments required in the ‘Consumer Protection Act’ and
improvements in its implementation.
6. Discuss the remedy available for ‘Negligence of Medical Professionals’.
7. What is PIL? Discuss the manner of Taking ‘Cognizance of PIL’.
8. Discuss the ‘Essentials/Pre-requisites of a campaign and advocacy programme’.
9. Write a note on ‘Consumers International’s Activities and the Indian Consumers’.
10. Discuss the Salient features of the ‘Bureau of Standards Act, 1986’.
SCQ: Answer any four questions in this part in about 50 words each (4×5=20 Marks)
11. Write a brief note on the ‘Prevention of Black-Marketing and maintenance of Essential
Commodities Act, 1980’.
12. Discuss in brief the six Rights of Consumers.
13. Define the term ‘Misbranded’.
14. Write a note on ‘Citizens Charter’.
15. Discuss in brief the ‘Agencies Created for Investor’s Protection’.
16. Discuss in brief the nature of Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs).

ACS-01, ACS01, ACS 01, ACS-1, ACS1, ACS 1
