
MMPM-004 International Marketing Solved Question Paper June 2023

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MMPM-004 International Marketing
Solved Question Paper June 2023
International Marketing
Course Code: MMPM-004

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MMPM-004 International Marketing Solved Question Paper June 2023

International Marketing
Course Code: MMPM-004

Title NameMMPM-004 Solved Question Paper June 2023
Service TypeSolved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Language English
YearJune 2023
Course CodeMMPM-004
ProductSolved Question Paper  (IGNOU)

1. (a) What are the reasons that encourage
business firms to enter international
markets ? Explain.
(b) Using appropriate examples, describe the
theories of absolute and relative advantage
in international markets.
[ 2 ] MMPM-004
2. (a) Why is it crucial for an international
marketing manager to understand various
cultures ? Explain.
(b) “It can be argued that economics should
take the lead in addressing the issue of
sustainable development.” Comment on the
statement and justify your answer with
suitable examples.
3. (a) Discuss the role of internet-based
technologies in international marketing.
(b) What are the dominant elements of an
integrated marketing plan for
international marketing ?
4. Write short notes on any three of the
following :
(a) International Marketing Research
(b) International IMC strategy
(c) Regional economic groupings
(d) Functions of IMF
(e) Pricing in International Markets
[ 3 ]
5. Consider any product of your choice and
assume that you are currently marketing that
product in your home country only. You now
want to enter international markets.
(a) What are the different modes of entry
available to you ? Explain their relative
advantages and disadvantages.
(b) How can you go about segmenting the
international markets for your product(s) ?
