
MCO-023 Strategic Management in English Solved Assignment 2024-2025

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MCO-023 Strategic Management
Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Course Code : MCO – 023
Course Title : Strategic Management
Assignment Code : MCO -023 /TMA/2024-25
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100

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MCO-023 Strategic Management Solved Assignment 2024-2025

Course Code : MCO – 023
Course Title : Strategic Management
Assignment Code : MCO -023 /TMA/2024-25
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100

Title NameMCO-023 Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Language ENGLISH
Semester2024-2025 Course: MCOM NEW
SessionJuly 2024 and January 2025 admission cycle
Short Name MCO-023
Assignment CodeMCO -023 /TMA/2024-25
ProductAssignment of MCOM 2024-2025 (IGNOU)
Submission DateThose who are enrolled in July: 15th March
Those who are enrolled in January 2025: 15th October

Attempt all the questions.
1. a) Explain briefly the five forces framework and use it for analyzing
competitive environment of any industry of your choice.
b) Under what circumstances do organizations pursue stability strategy?
What are the different approaches to stability strategy?
2. a) Define Corporate Governance. In the present context what are the
major challenges that the corporate sector is facing regarding
implementing Corporate Governance.
b) What is mission? How is it different from purpose? Discuss the
essentials of a mission statement.
3. Comment briefly on the following statements:
a) “Strategy formulation, implementation, evaluation and control are
integrated processes”.
b) “It is necessary for organization to go for social media competitive
c) “Expansion strategy provides a blueprint for business organizations to
achieve their long- term growth objectives”.
d) “Strategy is synonymous with policies”.
4. Differentiate between the following:
a) Vision and Mission
b) Core purpose and Core value
c) Canadian model of corporate governance and German model of
corporate governance
d) Concentric diversification and conglomerate diversification
5. Write Short Notes on the following:
a) Retrenchment Strategies
b) Competitive Profile Matrix
c) Corporate Culture
d) Strategic intent

MCO-023, MCO 023, MCO023, MCO-23, MCO23, MCO 23


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