LSE-09 प्राणी विविधता-1 in Hindi Solved Assignment 2019


Course Code: LSE-09
Assignment Code: LSE-09/TMA/2019
Maximum Marks: 100

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Animal Diversity-I

Course Code: LSE- 09
Assignment Code: LSE-09/TMA/2019
Maximum Marks: 100

Title NameLSE-09 LIFE SCIENCES Solved Assignment 2018-19
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Language HINDI
Semester2018-2019 Course: BSC (LIFE SCIENCES) LSE
Short Name LSE-09 (HINDI)
Assignment CodeLSE-09/TMA/2019
ProductAssignment of BSC (LIFE SCIENCES) 2018-2019 (IGNOU)
Submission DateValid from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019
PriceRS. 60

1. Differentiate between the following pairs:
a) Acellular and Cellular organisms
b) Flagellates and Ciliates
c) Pseudocoelom and Coelom
d) Syncytial and Colonial Theories
2. What are coral reefs? Describe types of coral reefs and their formation. (2+4+4=10)
3. What are characteristic features of Phylum Nematoda? Discuss its
classification with examples.
4. Describe the characters and classification of sub-phylum Uniramia. (1+9=10)
5. Explain torsion in gastropods with the help of suitable diagrams. (10)
6. Discuss the different larval forms found in echinoderms. (2×5=10)
7. Describe the locomotory structures and mechanics of locomotion in
8. Describe the compound eyes of insets. (10)
9. Describe the biological rhythm in non-chordates. (10)
10. Describe the useful non-chordates yielding industrial products. (10)
LSE-09, LSE-9, LSE 09, LSE 9, LSE09, LSE


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