BPY-010 Epistemology in English Solved Assignment 2018-2019


BPY-010 Epistemology

Solved Assignment


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BPY-010 Epistemology

Solved Assignment


Title NameBPY-010 PHILOSOPHY Solved Assignment 2018-19
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Language ENGLISH
Semester2018-2019 Course: BA(PHILOSOPHY)
Short Name BPY-010
Assignment CodeBPY-010
ProductAssignment of BA(PHILOSOPHY) 2018-2019 (IGNOU)
Submission Datebefore March 31th, 2019 for the session July, 2018 and
before September 30th, 2019 for the session January 2019

i) Answer all five questions
ii) All questions carry equal marks
iii) Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should be in about 400 words each.
1. Explain the nature and criteria of truth. Discuss the classical theories of truth in detail.
Define knowledge. Explain propositional knowledge as ‘Justified True Belief’. 20
2. Write an essay on the general nature and arguments of feminist epistemology. 20
How is mental perception different from other sensory perceptions? Explain the
theory of perception according to Nyaya. 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 200 words each:
a. Briefly elucidate Kierkegaard’s attack on the objectivity of knowledge. 10
b. Define Epistemology. Explain the scope and importance of its study. 10
c. How does Kant arrive at Synthetic – a priori judgments? 10
d. Critically evaluate the universality of truth. 10
4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) What do you understand by dependence coherentism? 5
b) Briefly explain Cartesian doubt. 5
c) What are some of the implications of naturalized epistemology? 5
d) Does Sankhya accept sabda as a valid source of knowledge? Discuss. 5
e) What do you understand by contextual continuity? 5
f) Describe standpoint theory. 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
e. Realism 4
f. Immediate Inference 4
g. Pramana 4
h. Noumena 4
i. Ecological approach to perception 4
j. Verification 4
k. Sesavat inference 4
l. Hetu 4
BPY-0010, BPY-010, BPY 0010, BPY 010, BPY0010, BPY010, BPY-10, BPY10, BPY
