
BEVAE-181 AECC ON ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES in English Solved Question Paper June 2024

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Solved Question Paper June 2024
Course Code: BEVAE-181

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BEVAE-181 AECC ON ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Solved Question Paper June 2024

Course Code: BEVAE-181

Title NameBEVAE-181 Solved Question Paper June 2024
Service TypeSolved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Language English
YearJune 2024
Course CodeBEVAE-181
ProductSolved Question Paper  (IGNOU)

1. Which one of the following is a natural environment ?
(1) Crop fields (2) Sanctuaries
(3) Forest (4) Parks
2. Who developed the concept of ‘Determinism’ ?
(1) Alexander Von Humboldt (2) Lucien Febre
(3) Ellisworth Huntington (4) Friedrich Ratzel
3. Which of the following is not one of the seventeen Sustainable
Development Goals ?
(1) Climate action (2) Quality health care
(3) Quality education (4) Gender equality
4. Life does not exist beyond …………… metres above mean sea level.
(1) 9000 (2) 8000
(3) 7000 (4) 6000
5. Which one of the following is placed at trophic level V in an aquatic
environment ?
(1) Planktons (2) Small fish
(3) Large fish (4) Shark
6. The main reservoir of sulphur in the biosphere is :
(1) Soil and sediments (2) Atmosphere
(3) Ocean (4) Organisms

7. In ecological succession, the intermediate community stage is termed
as :
(1) Grass community (2) Sere
(3) Moss stage (4) Organisms
8. Ant eaters, giant flying squirrels, and sloths are found in :
(1) Sub-tropical rain forest (2) Tropical rain forest
(3) Temperate rain forest (4) Temperate evergreen forest
9. An estuary is a transitional zone representing :
(1) Vast area of saline water
(2) Small number of organisms
(3) Great productivity built on a large base
(4) Small variation in estuary’s physical environment
10. Which biome experiences intense heat and strong wind with a great
desiccating action during the months of April and June ?
(1) Grassland biome (2) Forest biome
(3) Desert biome (4) Tundra biome
11. Which of the following aquatic organism is found living at the bottom of
the water mass ?
(1) Benthos (2) Neuston
(3) Nekton (4) Periphyton

12. Which of the following is a renewable resource ?
(1) Coal (2) Petroleum
(3) Forest (4) Natural gas
13. The process by which solid water changes directly to vapour phase is
known as :
(1) Precipitation (2) Sublimation
(3) Evaporation (4) Transpiration
14. Which one of the following is not a traditional water management
system in India ?
(1) Johads (2) Bamboo drip irrigation
(3) Sprinkler irrigation (4) Kuls
15. Which one of the following is not a measure to control soil erosion ?
(1) Growing grass, shrubs and trees
(2) Formation of broad walls along the coast
(3) Removing the bigger trees along the slope
(4) Construction of check dams
16. Which one of the following is an ecological significance of forest ?
(1) Providing numerous life sustaining pharmaceutical products.
(2) Wood and bamboo pulps used for manufacturing of paper.
(3) Checks soil erosion.
(4) Supports livelihoods of many tribal communities

17. Crown fire takes place in the :
(1) Thorn forest
(2) Savanna forest
(3) Forest in the hot and humid region
(4) Dense forest
18. Which of the following enables tribal and other forest dwellers ?
(1) Forest Rights Act, 1986
(2) Forest Rights Act, 2006
(3) Forest Conservation Act, 1986
(4) Forest Coservation Act, 1988
19. Hotspots are regions of :
(1) high endemism (2) less species richness
(3) less diversity (4) not under constant threat
20. Which of the following has the maximum genetic diversity in India ?
(1) Tea (2) Mango
(3) Teak (4) Wheat
21. Which one of the following is a use value of biodiversity ?
(1) Optional value (2) Bequest value
(3) Existence value (4) Aesthetic value
22. Which one of the following statement about biological diversity in India
is not correct ?
(1) India is one of the 12 centres of origin of cultivated plants.
(2) India has 12 biogeographical regions.
(3) Four biodiversity hotspots are found in India and its neighbouring
(4) India has 26 recognised endemism centres.

23. Which one of the following is a non-conventional source of energy ?
(1) Coal (2) Natural gas
(3) Wind energy (4) Atomic energy
24. Use of non-conventional sources of energy is :
(1) Pollution free
(2) Cheap
(3) Both cheap and pollution free
(4) Neither cheap nor pollution free
25. The most suitable fuel for a fuel cell is :
(1) hydrogen (2) nitrogen
(3) water (4) carbon dioxide
26. ‘Sludge gas’ largely consists of :
(1) Carbon dioxide (2) Sulphur dioxide
(3) Hydrogen sulphide (4) Methane
27. Artificial insemination is useful for :
(1) Ducks (2) Elephants
(3) Snakes (4) Lizards
28. Fostering as a conservation technique is found successful in :
(1) Whooping crane (2) Black footed ferret
(3) Angus cow (4) Seed plants

29. Mangrove in the coastal area work against erosion by acting as :
(1) Natural filters (2) Regulator of water
(3) Natural bulwark (4) Natural recharging aquifers
30. In MAB programme run by UNESCO, MAB stands for :
(1) Man and Biosphere (2) Man and Biome
(3) Mankind and Biodiversity (4) Mankind and Biomes
31. Which one of the following chemical is associated with Bhopal gas
tragedy ?
(1) Methyl Isocyanide (2) Chlorofluorcarbon
(3) Carbon monoxide (4) Methane
32. Which one of the following is a measure of oxygen used by bacteria to
decompose the organic matter ?
(1) MPN (2) TDS
(3) BOD (4) COD
33. Which of the following is a biodegradable pollutant ?
(1) DDT (2) Paper
(3) Plastic (4) Mercury
34. Prescribed limit of noise pollution in India is :
(1) 35 dbA (2) 40 dbA
(3) 45 dbA (4) 50 dbA

35. Which one of the following is a physical treatment of waste ?
(1) Conditioning (2) Digestion
(3) Composting (4) Lagooning
36. Which of the following is the best method of waste minimisation ?
(1) Underground disposal (2) Dumping at sea
(3) Incineration (4) Landfill disposal
37. ………….. is the phenomenon of increase in the concentration of
pollutant from one link in a food chain to another.
(1) Biodegradation (2) Biomagnification
(3) Bioconcentration (4) Bioaccumulation
38. The pH value of rainfall of four places A, B, C and D are given below.
Identify the place which had the acid deposition :
(1) A-5.5 (2) B-6.2
(3) C-6.5 (4) D-6.9
39. Which day is observed as the “International Day for the preservation of
ozone layer” ?
(1) 25th May (2) 5th June
(3) 16th September (4) 22nd December

40. Which of the following is not true about CFCs ?
(1) They are responsible for ozone depletion.
(2) They are used in paints and deodrants.
(3) They are stable and remain in lower atmosphere for many years.
(4) They are unaffected by UV radiation in upper atmosphere.
41. The provision for environmental protection in our constitution was in
the year :
(1) 1976 (2) 1980
(3) 1985 (4) 1987
42. NBA has been set up under the :
(1) Wildlife (Protection) Act (2) Forest (Conservation) Act
(3) Biodiversity Act (4) Environment (Protection) Act
43. Which of the following is not a part of conservation projects of
endangered species ?
(1) Crocodile (2) Camel
(3) Elephant (4) Lion
44. The study of origin of disease is termed as :
(1) Aetiology (2) Epidemiology
(3) Serology (4) Pathology
45. Which of the following is a genetic disease ?
(1) Malaria (2) Alcoholism
(3) Diabetes (4) Mongolism

46. Which of the following is a geological disaster ?
(1) Flood (2) Heat wave
(3) Landslides (4) Forest fires
47. Chandi Prasad Bhatt was associated with :
(1) Silent Valley Movement (2) Chipko Movement
(3) Appiko Movement (4) Taj Trapezium
48. Which of the following views consider nature as mother and cannot be
tamed ?
(1) Indian views (2) Western views
(3) Sineatic views (4) Both western and sineatic views
49. Environmental decision that affects certain ethnic groups represents :
(1) Economic inequity (2) Geographical inequity
(3) Procedural inequity (4) Social inequity
50. ENVIS centres are established by :
(1) Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
(2) Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
(3) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government
of India
(4) Ministry of Earth Science, Government of India

