
BEGE-103 Communication Skills in English SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2020-2021

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Communication Skills in English
BEGE-103 ASSIGNMENT- 2020-21

Assignment Code: BDP/BEGE-103/TMA/2020-21
Maximum Marks: 100

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BEGE-103 Communication Skills in English SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2020-2021

Assignment Code: BDP/BEGE-103/TMA/2020-21
Max. Marks: 100

Title NameBEGE-103 English Solved Assignment 2020-21
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Language ENGLISH
Semester2020-2021 Course: BA(English)
Short Name BEGE-103 (ENGLISH)
Assignment CodeBDP/BEGE-103/TMA/2020-21
ProductAssignment of BA(English) 2020-2021 (IGNOU)
Submission DateFor June Exam – 31st March
For December Exam – 30th September
PriceRS. 50


Communication Skills in English
Assignment Code: BDP/BEGE-103/TMA/2020-21
Max Marks: 100

Note: Answer in your own words any five of the following questions.
1 What is a dialect, an accent and a style? Explain with suitable examples. 20
2 What are the usual topics of small talk? Describe some of the conventions we must
follow for ease and flow of conversation. 20
3 Advise your younger sister or brother on matters s/he should keep in mind while
speaking at a debate organized by the College Debating Society. 20
4a Write your C.V. in about  250 words. 10
4b Write a covering letter to an employer outlining your positive traits and enumerating
why you would be suitable for a particular job (choose the job). 10
5a Write a note on the language of formal letters. 5
5b You purchased a water purifier through Amazon. When installing it, you discovered
that the water filter is missing. Write a letter of complaint to the relevant person in the
organization: 15
 asking how such an error happened
 stating how this mistake has inconvenienced you
 asserting that you would expect a replacement as soon as possible.
6 Show your awareness of some popular formats in television and briefly comment on
each one of them. 20
7 Comment on the importance of either rhetoric or grammar in life. 20

BEGE-103, BEGE103, BEGE 103, BEGE
