
BECS-184 DATA ANALYSIS (BAM) in English Solved Assignment 2024

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in English Solved Assignment 2024
Tutor Marked Assignments
Course Code: BECS-184
Assignment Code: Asst /TMA /2024
Total Marks: 100

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BECS-184 DATA ANALYSIS in English Solved Assignment 2024

Tutor Marked Assignments
Course Code: BECS-184
Assignment Code: Asst /TMA /2024
Total Marks: 100

Title NameBECS-184 Solved Assignment 2024
Service TypeSolved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Language ENGLISH
Semester2024 Course: BAM
SessionJanuary 2024 Admission cycle
Short Name BECS-184
Assignment CodeAsst /TMA /2024
ProductAssignment of BAM 2024 (IGNOU)
Submission DateThe assignments should be submitted to the Coordinator of your Study Centre by 30th September, 2024


Assignment One
Answer the following questions. Each question carries 20 marks
2 × 20 = 40
1. (a.) Compute and interpret the correlation coefficient for the following data:
X(Height) 12 10 14 11 12 9
Y (Weight) 18 17 23 19 20 15
(b) Explain step by step procedure for testing the significance of correlation coefficient.
2. A study involves testing whether or not the amount of caffeine consumed affected
memory. Fifteen volunteers took part in this study. They were given three types of drink
(type A,B and C) containing different levels of caffeine (50 mg, 100 mg, and 150 mg,
respectively). Volunteers were divided into three groups of five each and were assigned
the drink groupwise. They were then given a memory test (In terms of number of words
remembered from a list). The results are given in the following table:
Group A (50 mg) Group B (100 mg) Group C (150 mg)
7 11 14
8 14 12
10 14 10
12 12 16
7 10 13
At significance level of 5%, check whether the mean number of words remembered from
the list by the participants belonging to the three groups are significantly different.
Assignment Two
Answer the following questions. Each question carries 12 marks.
5 X 12=60
3. a.) Discuss different measures of Central Tendency and the specific situation in which
they could be used.
b.) Marks of 20 students in Economics are: 70, 60, 80, 50, 65, 78, 81, 69, 72, 77, 58, 42,
62, 55, 82, 84, 64, 75, 59, 66 (Maximum marks are 100). Find the percentage of
marks of each student. Also find out mean, median and mode using spreadsheet
package.(Enclose screenshots of the spreadsheet in the assignment).
4. Explain the following:
b. Probability density curve
c. Type I and type II errors
d. Degrees of freedom
5. a.) What could be a structured approach to multivariate model building?
b) What are the various assumptions on which the multivariate regression analysis rests?
6. Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative research in the context of data analysis.
Discuss tools of data collection used in qualitative research.
7. Differentiate between:
a. Observational and experimental method
b. Phenomenology and Ethnography
c. t test and f test
d. Point estimate and interval estimate

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