
BCOS-185 ENTREPRENEURSHIP in English Solved Question Paper June 2023

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in English Solved Question Paper June 2023
Course Code: BCOS-185

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BCOS-185 ENTREPRENEURSHIP in English Solved Question Paper June 2023

Course Code: BCOS-185

Title NameBCOS-185 Solved Question Paper June 2023
Service TypeSolved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Language English
YearJune 2023
Course CodeBCOS-185
ProductSolved Question Paper  (IGNOU)

1. Discuss the various theories of
entrepreneurship with examples. According to
you which theory is best suitable for
entrepreneurship development in India ? 10+10
2. Who is an entrepreneur ? Explain various
competencies required to be a successful
entrepreneur, giving suitable examples. 20
3. (a) Discuss the various sources of the business
idea with examples. 10
(b) Explain the critical factors which should be
considered while developing the new
venture. 10
4. Discuss the relevance of preparing a business
plan in the process of entrepreneurship
development. Explain the main elements of the
business plan with examples. 5+15
5. Explain the concept of start-ups along with
challenges faced by start-ups. Discuss the
measures that support start-ups in India.10+10
6. Differentiate between entrepreneur and
intrapreneur. Discuss various financial and
non-financial resources required for
entrepreneurship development. 20
7. Describe the various types of family businesses
in India with examples. Explain the
major challenges faced by family businesses in
India. 10+10
8. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Social Entrepreneurship
(b) MSMEs and economic development
(c) Feasibility analysis
(d) Start-ups


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