
BCOC-132 Business Organisation and Management in English Solved Question Paper December 2023

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BCOC-132 Business Organisation and Management
Solved Question Paper December 2023
Business Organisation and Management
Course Code: BCOC-132

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BCOC-132 Business Organisation and Management Solved Question Paper December 2023

Business Organisation and Management
Course Code: BCOC-132

Title NameBCOC-132 Solved Question Paper December 2023
Service TypeSolved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
CourseCBCS / BAG
Language English
YearDecember 2023
Course CodeBCOC-132
ProductSolved Question Paper BCOC-132 (IGNOU)

1. (a) Classify industry with examples in
detail. 10
(b) Explain various activities of aids to trade
in detail with examples. 10
[ 2 ] BCOC–132
2. What is innovation ? Explain the types and
process of innovation. 20
3. Explain cooperative form of organization.
Discuss about features, merits and limitations
of cooperative form of organization. 5+5+5+5
4. What is an organization ? Explain the various
types of organizational structure. 20
5. What is planning ? Explain the nature and
characteristics of planning. 20
6. Explain the following terms : 5×4=20
(a) PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review
(b) Statistical Quality Control
(c) Unity of Command
(d) Delegation of Authority
(e) Span of Control
7. Define Motivation. Explain any two theories of
motivation. 5+15
[ 3 ] BCOC–132
P. T. O.
8. What do you mean by product concept of
marketing ? Discuss various stages of product
life cycle. 5+15
9. Briefly comment on the following statements :
(a) Leadership
(b) Human Resource Planning
(c) Profession
(d) Business Ethics
